General Idea.
The United States Foundation of International Tourism and Friendship exists to achieve the following challenges:
1. Create, restore, strengthen and maintain the prospering friendship between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. This helps uphold peace and prosperity throughout the world.
2. Make travel accessible to people with physical and financial hardships, establishing a more equitable society.
3. Provide opportunities to the tourist sector of the US economy, and investing in various donor funds.
4. Attract financial resources from visitors and sponsors to US travel economy.
Various funds are needed to financially support these projects. USFTIF is working to attract grants from the US Federal Government, State Governments, and donations from other foundations or commercial companies.
1. Creating a positive image of the United States among foreign citizens.
We believe that the best way to achieve lasting friendships between different peoples is tourism. Tourism allows foreigners to dissolve ingrained stereotypes and learn about true US culture from firsthand experience. USFITF pays special attention to those countries where the US needs to improve its image, or countries with whom the US has a negative relationship. USFITF achieves these goals by hosting the most respected and promising members of foreign society. These are university professors, school teachers and the most successful senior students.
We introduce our guests to the impressive history of the US with accessible and convincing seminars. The seminar guides explain the true origins of historical events, and how the US corrected its mistakes, or nurtured its successes, domestically and throughout the world. Specialists talk about the democratic principles of the Constitution and the construction of the state. Topics also frequently discussed include the military, the Federal Reserve, and the justice system. Seminar participants will learn about public education, health insurance and pension systems, employment laws and the role of unions in the life of citizens throughout the country. Our goal is to reveal the true meaning of the American way of life and America’s democratic traditions.
All this is done in the process of an educational seminar. Guides show seminar participants the most famous and popular natural and urban beauties of the US. Throughout the seminar, guides talk about the most important topics that shaped the US and its people. The US appears to our guests as a very hospitable, kind and peaceful place populated by intelligent, efficient and purposeful people who wish to live in harmony with all people of the world and share their achievements in democracy, technology and production.
Foreigners take home the truth about US people and culture. They tell their students, colleagues and classmates what the US is really likes, and what it truly represents. They help shape the image of the US as a good friend, helper, bearer of democratic values, and the guarantor of a bright future.
2. Show the US to people for whom travel is not possible due to low income by the disability.
Donor money will help people who are financially insecure due to physical disability, realize the splendor of the US. If USFITF had abundant financial resources, it can bring society closer to the maximum equality by providing opportunities for people with any financial or physical ailments.
3. Money donors and sponsors work for the United States.
USFITF provides employment opportunities to participants in the tourism sector of the US economy, e.g. guides, drivers, interpreters and many more. USFITF uses donor money to pay for tourist lodging, dining, transportation, and negotiations with affiliated travel companies.
USFITF employs people who prepare informational videos and lectures, and trains tour guides to be knowledgeable and hospitable. Lastly, USFITF attracts donor funds to restore and further develop the tourism business sector of the US economy.
4. USFITF attracts visitors to the American economy.
Seminar students not only boost our economy by purchasing goods and services, but they also provide word-of-mouth advertising, and recruit future tourists who have means to support their own travel. This money will subsequently be injected into the US economy.