How it works.
The USFITF was created in order to convince residents of foreign countries and from different walks of life to treat the United States, its people and government well. We want the people of other countries to correctly understand the motivation and goals of the American government, people and the essence of the American model of
democracy. We also think it is essential for foreign nationals to understand the principles of the economic and political structure of the United States.
The purpose of USFITF is to eliminate the blind spots in the education of foreign nationals regarding the history, economy, legislative system of the US; as well as the lifestyle of its people. Understanding these aspects would eliminate negative stereotypes and would not allow ignorance of historical and modern events to form a negative image of the US.
For this, it is necessary to bring as many residents with informational influence at home, including the disabled, as guests to the US. These include school teachers and university professors, as they always possess a wide audience of the youngest and most promising citizens. The worldview of youth is ever changing and can influence the spirit of democracy and freedom. Additionally, particular attention is paid to people with disabilities who often cannot afford to travel, but possess great influence within their communities.
Seminar guides, among many things, show the beauty of American cities and natural landscapes (i.e. National and State Parks). They also show the US’s intricate infrastructure, its network of roads, prospering farms and factories and innovative schools. Foreign nationals begin to understand the goodwill, talent, hospitality, and hard work of the American people. These seminars have a lasting impression, and they ultimately destroy the perception that the American people are “the enemy” and replace that image with that of an ally. Foreign nationals realize the American lifestyle is one to strive for, and understand the true value of American democratic values.
The USFITF is working hard to ensure that these people bring their impressions to their home and distribute them as much as possible among the most diverse and the most diverse and authoritative strata of the population. Teachers and professors provide children and young people with general information about the structure of the US, its history, constitution and traditions. In the US, they will also get an in depth understanding of the American education system, and compare it to the one at home.
The work of USFITF is as follows:
The USFITF holds seminars with a duration of 12 days. We pay for the applicant’s documentation and selection process, flight to the US and back, three meals a day, lodging, transportation, entrances to reserves and parks, tour guides, lecture rooms, and any necessary equipment for lectures and excursions. The participant pays the visa consular fee as well as pays for a hotel if they desire extra amenities or additional privacy. All basic seminar amenities are provided by US companies; including but not limited to round trip flights, lodging, and ground transportation. Thus, all donated money remains within the US economy.
During transfers between facilities, as well as before city excursions, USFITF specialists give lectures on various topics. Lecture topics correspond particular seminars, of which there are many varieties. The language of the seminars is the language as close as possible to the main language of the native country of the participants.
General subjects of lectures:
History: - The development of North America by England.
- The formation of the first democratic institutions.
- The war with the French and Native Americans,
- The American Revolution and the principles of American freedom.
- Civil War.
- The Louisiana purchase.
- The Mexican-American war.
- Buying Alaska and joining Hawaii.
Constitution: - The principle of federalism, separation of powers.
- The election process on regional, state, and national levels.
- The origin, meaning and impact of constitutional amendments.
Native Americans: - The history of relations between indigenous and pioneers.
- The reasons for the Indian wars, and the actions of the government to protect native indigenous.
- Reservations: history, reasons and goals of their creation.
Slavery: - The emergence of slavery, it’s laws and the fight against slavery.
- Abolition of slavery, the fight and subsequent abolition of segregation.
Education system: - Principles the K-12 and university system.
- Financing of the education system.
- Admission rules and so on.
Federal Reserve System: -The democratic principles that compromise the free market.
-The state’s role in building the financial system.
Labor legislation, pension system, trade unions.
Medical system, private and state insurance.
Unemployment, poverty, age and other benefits.
The principles, existence and operation of the US military.
The principles of building US foreign policy.
Doctrines and methods of achieving various goals.
Groups that travel according to the standard schedule are sent as funds accumulate.
Targeted funding groups are recovering on dates agreed upon with the donor.
The seminar will be held if the necessary budget has been accumulated by the required date. The decision date is 6 months before the implementation of any seminar. The minimum group size is 14 people. If USFITF has financial opportunities, we establish additional seminars as needed.
The donor may contribute:
- On any tour for any group from any region - at the choice of the USFITF employees.
- Only for a specific tour of the donor’s choice.
- Only for the tour for participants from a country or region of the donor’s choice.
- Only for a specific group of participants of the donor’s choice. In this case, the USFITF does not apply to the US consulates and will not act as a guarantor when participants apply for a visa.
We provide information to donors via detailed website accounts. This includes how the financial resources were allocated, which projects were impacted and how successful the projects were.
Donors can support specific workshops for their own groups, as well as various others. The USFITF distributes advertising materials provided by the donors on a separate page of its website and among the seminar participants.
The contest of applicants:
An authorized educational institution according to the principles established by the USFITF carries out the selection:
- Teachers and University professors:
Age: 30- 60.
Length of service: At least 8 years.
Teaching plan: At least 20 academic hours per week.
- Students:
Age: 21-35.
Course: Full-time 3rd grade or higher.
- Disabled:
Age: 21-50.
Disability: The disability can be of any variety, but in order to participate in seminars, the disabled individual must maintain the ability to see and hear.
Disability status: Chronic, with the person having been disabled for at least 5 years.
Income: Not more than $1000.00 per month per family.
The services of the organization conducting the selection are paid by the USFITF on the basis of a fixed amount for each selected seminar participant. As a payment for services, this organization receives the right to fill 10% of the seminar slots with people who do not meet the above criteria. Moreover, they can do this both for free or for financial compensation that they may receive from applicants in any amount as a sponsorship of a project. The organization does not have the right to take money from the remaining 90% of applicants.
Travel documents, visa applications and vouchers will be issued by a contracted authorized travel company. The travel company pays for the services of the USFITF based on a fixed amount per seminar participant. Seminar participants pay the consular fee on their own.
Specific seminar participants selected individually by a donor do not need to complete the selection process, and are included in the seminar automatically. However, a request for their visa to the consulates is submitted in a separate list, and USFITF does not appear as their guarantor before the State Department.
Documents that will be required for the competition:
- Passport.
- Graduation diploma or proof of enrollment.
- A document from the place of work with the address and telephone.
- Teaching plans for the previous 2 months and the next 2 months.
- Results of university tests for the current year.
- Disabled person certificate (for disabled beneficiaries).
- Doctor’s opinion (for disabled beneficiaries).
- Income statement for the previous year (for disabled beneficiaries).
The winners of the contest will have to familiarize themselves with the rules of the Seminar and pass an interview conducted by USFITF officers. Applicants who successfully complete the interview will be required to sign a commitment to comply with the rules of staying in the United States and attend the Seminar. Among other things, the document mentions liability for violation of US immigration rules.